Last year I started a personal blog. I wanted a place I could talk about things other than reading and writing, plus share some of my (very amateur) photography. Even though I kept telling myself it didn't matter that only a handful of people were actually reading it, it seemed like a waste of time to put all kinds of effort into posts that didn't get read. Granted, I don't have a very exciting life, so posts were sporadic and probably a bit boring. So I decided every once in awhile I'd share some personal things here on Ramblings of a Daydreamer. I know I love when my blogging friends and acquaintances share little bits of their lives so I get to know the person behind the blog. We're more than just book lovers, and although talking about books is one of my favourite things in the world, sometimes I'd like to share other things. I still have my personal blog, but it's on hiatus until I have more exciting things to talk about! ;-)
In high school, I had two best friends, Suleena and Krista. I'd been friends with them since the beginning of elementary school, and we stayed friends all through the years. I don't know where we fit in the hierarchy of high school - we weren't nobodies, but we definitely weren't popular. People generally knew who we were, but we sort of flew under the radar and we liked it that way. Krista and I were both total nerds but we never admitted it to anyone, even to each other. I've talked about this before, but being a nerd is something I didn't admit to until recently.
Anyway, after high school, Krista and I drifted apart. We had a bit of a falling out when she started her first year of university and I started my second year of college. We'd been best friends until then, even though she'd gone to college for a year and was several hours away. As soon as she started university, she started making new friends and got a boyfriend and I was jealous and possessive and my feelings were hurt because I didn't feel like a priority anymore. I'm sure a lot of people have been there. When you're 19 you don't necessarily make the smartest choices or have your shit together, and you're still at that point in life where every problem seems like the end of the world.
If my memory is correct, we saw each other a total of four times in the last ten years. We Facebook messaged a few times but things were never the same between us. There were a lot of hurt feelings, misunderstandings, and a few mutual 'friends' exacerbating the situation. Then a few months ago, Krista messaged to tell me she'd just finished a rewatch of Buffy (*our* show during high school) and she thought about me a lot. We started messaging back and forth, and discovered not only did we still love the same things we loved as teens, but we even loved the same things as adults. We both have lives that are a bit lonely, our families are our top priority, and we're both unapologetic nerds and introverts. A lot had changed, and yet in some ways, nothing had changed.
After a few conversations, we made plans for me to come up to visit her for a weekend (she still lives in the city where she went to university). I looked forward to this for several reasons: 1) I couldn't wait to see and reconnect with my former best friend, as an adult (and therefore with a completely different outlook on life than I had 10 years ago); 2) 2013 has been a rough year for me with several health issues that have prevented me from doing a lot; 3) I haven't seen a single one of my real life friends this entire year, and the only people I really talk to are my family and my online friends (without whom I know I'd completely lose my mind).
Because I don't drive and because the bus schedule is ridiculous and nonsensical, I asked my sister-in-law to drive me. We decided to make a family outing of it and have a picnic by Lake Ontario. So, my mum, sister-in-law, nephews Noah (11) and Logan (3), niece Maddy (11 weeks), and I met Krista for our picnic. We were in a park near a tourist attraction that kept drawing the boys' interest, so Krista very generously paid for us to go inside and take a tour (she says she's lived in the city for 10 years but has hardly done any of the many touristy things because she doesn't have anyone to do them with). The boys were so excited, and we all had a lot of fun (even Maddy who got strolled around the main level by my mum while the rest of us toured the downstairs then the upstairs).
When we parted ways with my family, Krista and I went back to her apartment and spent hours talking about everything and anything. The last ten years completely melted away and I felt like a teenager again. I can't remember the last time I laughed so much. I literally gave myself a headache from talking and laughing so much. We went out for pizza then I took her Doctor Who virginity and IT WAS AMAZING *snickers*. I feel like I've now done my part as a fairly new Whovian since being recruited by another of my besties, Molli, several months ago. After two episodes of DW, we went to a pub for a drink (such a grown-up thing to do and so novel for me since I have no one to do that with, plus there are no places around here to do it anyway), then wandered around downtown and then down by the water before going back to her place to talk some more. The next morning, we had pancakes and leftover pizza, and she took my Firefly virginity. We decided that during my next visit (next visit!) we're just going to lay around and do nothing but watch Doctor Who and Firefly since neither of us has anyone to watch those shows with (although I 'virtually' watch Doctor Who with Molli and a few other Twitter friends).
It was hard saying goodbye, but we did it knowing we'd recaptured something amazing and special. Childhood friendships often don't last, but I figure when you've known someone for almost 25 years, and have a boatload and a half of shared history, memories, and secrets, that's pretty damn special and you should hold onto it with all your might.
Now if you've managed to read this far, thank you! Also, I'm going to reward you with some cuteness. ;-)

They had SO much fun. As soon as we got in, the guy asked how old Noah was and said if he were a year older, he'd have been signed up for the British Army in the 1800s and sent to fight. Isn't that insane?!
The kids got to dress up in British Army clothes, hold a 35-pound canon ball (which a 12-year-old would have had to carry and load himself in the army), and carry around wooden guns. The only picture that really needs explanation is the bottom right one: Noah aimed the gun at Logan, said 'bang' and Logan automatically fell down dead. Poor kid's been trained well by his older brother lol

There's just something about this picture that's so evocative to me. The colouring, the stone wall, the uniform and gun, the serious expression on Noah's face. It looks like he could really be one of the poor children who were forced to join the army back in the 1800s.

Have you ever had a situation like I did where you lost touch with a friend and then reconnected after a long time? If you moved away for college or had friends who moved away, did you lose touch or stay in touch?

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That's awesome you reconnected. I have 2 friends whom I've known most of my life. We tend to go months without talking then get together and have some crazy conversations that have us rolling with laughter. it's how we know we're friends forever.
ReplyDeleteIt's kind of a coincidence of sorts that you posted about this because I just became FB friends with someone I had lost touch with today! :D I am so so so so so glad you were able to go and do this and that you had such a great time. I think that this happens a lot with people--a falling out and then years later when you've both matured and changed you can get back together and everything is fine because you've learned how to be a better person and you still have everything in common, and then some. ;)
ReplyDeletePS: I may or may not have giggled like a maniac at all the virginity taking.
So glad you got to reconnect with an old friend and had a wonderful time, Marie! Your nephews look like they had a blast too :)
ReplyDeleteOkay, how much do I love this post? Let me count the ways.
ReplyDelete1. You taking Krista's DW virginity.
2. Her taking YOUR Firefly virginity.
3. Pizza and pancakes! Leftover pizza is THE BEST EVER.
4. Drinks at a pub!
5. BEST...reconnecting with a friend. YAY! SO HAPPY for you. You need this, so I'm REALLY glad it all went okay. :)
Also? That first picture of Maddy is GORGEOUS. And I'm happy the boys and everyone had a good time. :D