Welcome to Ramblings of a Daydreamer!
Launched in 2010 as a place to talk about everyday life, Ramblings of a Daydreamer quickly morphed into a book blog when I discovered the amazing online book community. Like many other book bloggers, I didn’t have many ‘real life’ friends who were fellow bibliophiles, and I wanted a place to talk about the books I love and connect with other readers. I started posting reviews and bookish discussions, and the blog soon turned into my home online.
I still blog about books, but I’ve branched out a bit, also talking about life, writing, travel, and more. I’ve met so many incredible people since starting this blog, and I hope to always feel at home in the bookish community. If you’re looking for book reviews and recommendations in a variety of genres, occasional real-life talk, a shot of wanderlust, a dose of fangirling, I hope you’ll return to Ramblings of a Daydreamer often! You can follow via email in the right sidebar or via Bloglovin.
Besides being an avid reader, I'm also an indie author of contemporary romance. I have a special fondness for stories about self-discovery, family, and friendship, so those are the things I tend to write about...plus romance. Always romance. Find out more about my books on my author site or Goodreads. If you'd like to be updated about my writing, you can sign up for my newsletter.
Other than blogging, reading, and writing, you can usually find me on bookstagram, where I get to combine two of my passions: books and photography. My photos are bright, colourful, and often whimsical. I love connecting with other readers and writers, and sharing my love of books on a daily basis.
Want to chat? Here's where you can find me:
Email: irishstar_83 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Twitter: @SweetMarie83
Pinterest: SweetMarie83
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