Thursday, December 10, 2015

Review: Christmas Wish Come True

Christmas Wish Come True by Gina Rochelle, Misty Shaw, and Jaimie Admans
Published: December 4th, 2015
Publisher: Carina
400 pages (eARC)
Genre: Contemporary romance
Acquired this book: Via NetGalley in exchange for honest consideration
Warning: May contain spoilers
{GoodReads || Buy this book: Amazon || Chapters/Indigo}

All I Want for Christmas by Gina Rochelle

Ditching her faithless fiancĂ©, schoolteacher Isabella plans to spend the holidays alone. But when she unintentionally inspires a young pupil to make an impossible wish, she joins forces with his – totally gorgeous – uncle to put things right! Could two wishes come true this Christmas?

Dreaming of a White Wedding by Misty Shaw

When Scarlet discovered her husband-to-be in a passionate clinch with her bridesmaid, she called off her Valentine’s wedding and ran away to London. But when her sister asks for her help, she can’t refuse…even if it means coming face-to-face with her ex – the man she never stopped loving!

Christmas Every Day by Jaimie Admans

Emma loves bumping into Gorgeous Dog Walker, Nick, every evening. But when he ends up in a coma (partly her fault), she ends up taking care of ‘his job’…and his dog! Emma stopped believing in Santa years ago, but this Christmas her world is about to be turned upside down!

All I Want For Christmas has all the elements of a great holiday-themed story - it’s sweet, romantic, and heartwarming. It had a great cast of characters, and while certain elements of the plot were predictable, it was still fresh enough that the predictable elements didn’t bother me. It had that wonderful magical feeling I love about Christmas - like anything is possible and miracles really do happen. Plus, it was unexpectedly sexy, which was a nice bonus!

I did have a few issues with the story. It was quite repetitive - Isabella and Jordan’s internal dialogue was the same thing over and over, and a lot of their problems could have been easily resolved if they’d just talked to each other instead of making assumptions. Because of this, the story dragged at times, and I felt my attention (and interest) wandering. I was prepared to give the book 3.5 stars, but the ending - which made me cry like a baby - bumped it up that extra half star. Despite my annoyance with the characters, I did like them for the most part, and the story left me with an overall happy, satisfied feeling.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t get into this one. I read three or four chapters and couldn’t concentrate on the story with the way it jumped around from scene to scene and person to person and left out certain details while focusing heavily on things that didn’t seem to matter.

This story is the main reason I was interested in Christmas Wish Come True. I’ve read most of Jaimie’s books, and her North Pole Reform School is one of my absolute favourite Christmas stories. When I found out she had a story in this Christmas collection, I couldn’t wait to read it...and I wasn’t disappointed!

Christmas Every Day has Jaimie’s usual humour and charm, but it’s a story unlike any I’ve ever read. It had me grinning and laughing out loud from the beginning. I loved Emma and Nick, and that things weren’t easy for them and they had to work hard to make their relationship possible. Jaimie has this way of writing stories that should seem completely ridiculous, but somehow manage to be believable despite the crazy things that happen. I was completely enchanted by this magical story. 

Christmas Every Day is the perfect lighthearted romance for the holiday season. Be prepared to giggle, swoon, and fall in love!

Overall rating for this collection:

Have you read Christmas Wish Come True? What did you think? If you haven't read it, do you plan to? Do you have a favourite Christmas book? Let's talk here or on Twitter!

1 comment:

  1. Two out of threes not bad, not bad at all. These all sound cute. I'll admit the synopsis for the second story didn't sound as fun. So it doesn't surprise me that you didn't finish it.


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