Sunday, April 8, 2012

Calling all Canadians!

I’m a very proud Canadian, and as both an author and a blogger, I make it known whenever possible that I’m Canadian. Because Canada Day is July 1st, I came up with the idea of having a Canadian reading challenge for the month of July. I’m going to challenge bloggers to read a minimum of three books either by Canadian authors or set in Canada. There will be a giveaway at the end (each Canadian book read and reviewed through the month will get people an entry into the giveaway), and hopefully mini giveaways throughout the month. I’ll be blogging more about this in another month or two, and posting sign-ups.

I would like to celebrate Canada the entire month of July with guest posts from Canadian authors and bloggers, as well as giveaways of Canadian books.

Here’s what I’m asking of you:

Canadian authors:
Would you be willing to write a guest post (as short or as long as you want - 2 paragraphs or 2 pages, I don’t care, I’m grateful for any participation!) about anything Canadian - why you’re proud to be Canadian, your favourite place in Canada, what it’s like to be published by a Canadian publishing house, going on tour in Canada, why you do or don’t set your books in Canada - anything you can think of that has to do with Canada or being Canadian.

Canadian bloggers:
I’m basically looking for something similar from Canadian bloggers - guest posts about what being Canadian means to you, your favourite place in Canada, your favourite Canadian authors or books, whatever.

A few more ideas for guest posts:
Top 10 posts (people love those! And it doesn’t have to be 10, it can be 5 or 7 or however many you can come up):
*Top 10 favourite Canadian authors
*Top 10 books all Canadians should read
*Top 10 books that showcase Canada
*Top 10 things to do in Toronto/Calgary/Vancouver/wherever
*Top 10 reasons you love Canada
*Top 10 reasons people should visit Canada
*Top 10 reasons to love Anne of Green Gables (I'm using this as an example because it's a personal favourite, and because I think AoGG is pretty much the epitome of Canadian YA literature)
*Top 10 reasons you miss Canada if you no longer live here
*10 places you’ve been that were the settings for Canadian books
*It doesn’t even have to be reading related - you could do your top 10 Canadian playlist if you’re into Canadian music, or your top 10 Canadian actors or TV shows.
***Get creative, and let your imagination run wild!***

Also, pictures are definitely welcome, and I’d be thrilled to include them in your post.

I’m looking for people who are willing to donate Canada-related books/e-books or swag for giveaways. If you’re an author and you’d like to donate one (or more) of your books, or if you’re a blogger who would like to donate books, I’d be so grateful. I’ll be doing a few giveaways of my own, but I have limited funds for both book buying and shipping costs. If you would be willing to donate books and handle shipping costs (you can set the restrictions - CAN/US, just Canada, international, whatever), I’d love you forever.

For everyone who participates, I’ll do my best to help promote your book(s)/website/blog. For authors who participate, I’ll post any links you want - buy links to your books, GoodReads links, Facebook and Twitter links, etc. For bloggers, I’ll link back to your blog and post your blog button. I’ll also be advertising on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus, and anywhere else I can think of to draw attention to the event, and to show my gratitude to those who take part.

The challenge itself will be open to everyone, so if you happen to read this and you’re not Canadian but would like to participate with a giveaway, or even a guest post about Canada (if you’re from another country and you’ve visited Canada and loved it and want to talk about it, that would be great!), I’d be open to that, too.

I’d need to have all guest posts before July 1st so I can schedule them, and I’d also need to know of any giveaway donations by then as well.

If you’re interested in participating in any way, please email me at irishstar_83(at)hotmail(dot)com and let me know in what way you’d like to participate (guest post, giveaway, etc).

I’d be extremely grateful to anyone willing to spread the word about this on Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc. If you’re not Canadian, but know someone who is, maybe you’d like to pass this along to them. 

I hope this event will be a success, and that we can have a lot of fun celebrating Canada and Canadian books/authors during the month of July!


  1. Sounds really interesting, I'd like to be involved, I'll have to think on what. P.S. Can I steal your Canadian Blogger button??

    1. I hope you decide to participate, Wendy! I wanted to give people lots of advance warning so they have almost 3 months to think about it. And yes, you can definitely steal the Canadian blogger button! ;-)

  2. Hi Marie: Count me in for your July Canadian author celebration. I wrote The Guardian's Wildchild which was published by Omnific Publishing (Texas). I'm eager to participate in EVERYTHING, including giveaways. My blog is at:
    Twitter: FeatherWrites
    Facebook: FSauthor

  3. I'd be willing to participate. My BFF and I actually are going to be hosting the 2nd Annual Canada Day Blog Hop. We are still in the planning stages for year two. But I'd love to participate in this as well. Sounds like a lot of fun. snowdropdreams(at)gmail(dot)com

    I will send you an email tomorrow later in the day once I think about what I'd like to do. :) Cheers!

  4. Hey Marie,
    I've studied a lot of Canadian literature over the past few years as an English undergrad. I'd love to take part. Let me know what you'd like specifically, and I'll write you a post if it'll help.


Thanks for visiting Ramblings of a Daydreamer! I love hearing what you have to say, and I appreciate every single comment. I hope to see you here again soon! ♥

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