When I think about 2020, so much of it is a blur. I had high hopes at the beginning of the year - I wanted to take my writing career to the next level, travel, and so many other things. Then the pandemic hit and I spent most of the rest of the year in a really negative headspace. Between the news, doomscrolling on Twitter, seeing and reading stories about how people were suffering in so many ways, plus my own anxiety and depression, it felt like a never-ending rollercoaster. I knew I had a lot to be grateful for: a home and a job I could do from home, enough to eat, amazing friends who shopped for us, online friends who showed so much love and support, my health and the health of my family. But no matter what I did, I couldn’t seem to get out of the muck and mire of negativity. And if I’m perfectly honest, I didn’t try all that hard.
Fast-forward to 2021. I knew not much would change with my circumstances for a while. I knew my mum and I would remain in isolation (she’s 80, so in the high-risk group), unable to see our family or do normal things. But I also knew if I wanted things to change, it had to start with me. So I started doing mindset work again - affirmations, meditation, journaling, redirecting negative thoughts. I started Kathrin Zenkina’s Manifestation Babe Academy from the beginning; I invested in the course in the spring of 2019, right before I ended up in the hospital for a week and a half, and then I never finished the course. Students are given lifetime access, so I figured when the time was right and I felt called to it again, I’d do the course in its entirety.
Well, I felt called to it around the middle of January this year, and I started the course from the beginning. Right around that time, Kathrin announced the new incarnation of MBA - a brand new, extensive, 16-week course that alumni could join for a tiny fraction of the full cost to new members. It felt like a massive sign I was finally back on the right path. Since I’d already recently started the original Manifestation Babe Academy, I decided to complete the four weeks anyway before the new version started. The last four weeks have been amazing and I know it’s only the beginning. I’m so excited and grateful to embark on a new 16-week transformational journey starting today.
The last four weeks have been a constant reminder that your mindset really is everything. If you want to see changes in your life, those changes start with you - your outlook, your actions, your responses and reactions.
Stay tuned for more in the coming weeks!

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