Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Self-Isolation Chronicles: Entertainment Edition

It’s week 7 of self-isolation here in the Landry household, and I’ve never been more grateful for the fact I’m not easily bored. From the time I was a child, I was able to entertain myself, and I spent a lot of time on my own, reading, playing with my dolls, making up elaborate make-believe games, playing outside. I’ll admit there have been times lately when I’ve felt restless, especially as the weather gets nicer, but I’m trying to find as many things as possible to keep me entertained and keep my mind busy. I’m particularly drawn to light, funny things these days, as you’ll soon see.

I’ve read 12 books since isolation began. Like many people, I had a lot of trouble concentrating at first; I was in a constant state of near-panic for the first week or so, and I pretty much lived on Twitter. Thankfully that compulsion passed fairly quickly, and I was able to use reading as the escape it’s always been for me. Out of the dozen books I’ve read in the last month and a half, seven of them stand out and have been added to my Recommend These Often and Loudly list:

Undercover Bromance by Lyssa Kay Adams
The Friend Zone and The Happy Ever After Playlist by Abby Jiminez
Don’t Go Stealing My Heart by Kelly Siskind
The Life and (Medieval) Times of Kit Sweetly by Jamie Pacton
Love Lettering by Kate Clayborn
The Little Bookshop of Love Stories by Jaimie Admans

Other than reading, I’ve also been watching a variety of TV shows and movies. I’ve never been good at marathon-watching shows; some people can watch an entire series in a weekend, but it usually takes me a few weeks. I’ve been watching a bit more TV than usual, but not that much more. My favourites have been:

Schitt’s Creek. I started this hilarious, ridiculous, very Canadian show around the time isolation began, and it was a lifesaver those first two weeks. I keep saying I must have been living under a rock because I don’t remember really even hearing about this show before late last year. At least this way I was able to watch all the seasons at once. I still have a few episodes of the final season left; I’m hoarding them because I’m not ready to say goodbye to the Roses! 

Elementary. I started this Sherlock-inspired show a couple of years ago when I first got Amazon Prime, and I watched all the seasons that were available at the time. The rest of the seasons are finally up now, so I figured this was a good time to finish the series. I know several people who won’t give this show a chance because they’re die-hard fans of BBC’s Sherlock (which I love too), but the two are completely different interpretations of the classic Arthur Conan Doyle tales, and both are incredible in their own rights. It took some convincing, but I got my best friend to give the show a chance and she loves it now too.

Charmed (the new version). I was baffled when this show was first announced because all the other reboots have starred some or all of the original cast, but this remake was a whole new show with the same concept as the original Charmed (which I loved back in the day but never finished because I stopped getting the channel it was on). I was curious about the remake, especially because of the diverse cast, and it didn’t take me long to become hooked. I let almost an entire season pile up on my DVR, so I’ve been watching them here and there and I really do love this show and think it’s so well done. 

Movies: My obsession with Oscar Isaac has put me on a mission to watch all of his movies, and in the last few weeks I’ve watched Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, W.E., Won’t Back Down, and The Two Faces of January. I’ve also satisfied my romcom-loving heart with My Best Friend’s Wedding (I don’t know how I hadn’t seen this before, especially since Julia Roberts is my favourite actress) and Love Wedding Repeat (which was kind of terrible but made me LOL and kept me distracted, so we’ll call it a weird sort of win).

Besides books and TV, my other favourite source of entertainment is bookstagram. I haven't been writing (that's a whole other guilt-ridden blog post on its own *sigh*), so bookstagram has been my creative outlet. Not only do I get to style and take pictures, but I also get to spend hours talking with fellow book lovers, and not just about books. It's been my favourite place online for a few years now, and it continues to be a refuge during these difficult times.

How have you been keeping busy during isolation? Have you read anything amazing? Watched anything worth sharing? Picked up a new hobby or become more passionate about a favourite creative endeavor?

*Please note I'm an Amazon affiliate, and some of the links in this review are affiliate links. All income made through affiliate sales goes directly back into maintaining Ramblings of a Daydreamer. Thank you for your support!  

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