Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Guest Post: 10 Email Marketing Do’s and Don’ts

It seems nearly everyone has a mailing list these days. Whether you’re a fellow author or blogger like me, a small business owner, or someone trying to sell a product or service, email marketing is a sure-fire way to get results. But you can’t just create a newsletter, send out an email, and hope for the best. There are proven methods that will help you not only gain subscribers, but keep them interested in your email campaigns. Campaign Monitor has put together this handy infographic that outlines important Do’s and Don’ts for email marketing.

10 Email Marketing Do's and Don'ts Infographic Campaign Monitor

No matter who your audience is - whether you’re trying to grow your readership and fan base like I am, or you’re selling a new course, product, or service - these do’s and don’ts are key elements in having a successful email marketing campaign.

What do you think? Aren't these great tips? Do you have any do's or don'ts you would add? Do you use email marketing?


  1. Thanks for sharing the tips. A few I really ought to implement.

    1. I'm glad you found it helpful, Patty! I'm terrible at keeping up with my own mailing list, but I've heard from so many people it's how they sell a ton of books so...I guess it's something I should work on!


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