Saturday, February 18, 2017

2017 Love-a-Thon: Book Spine Poetry

The Love-a-Thon is hosted by Alexa of Alexa Loves Books, Cee of The Novel Hermit, Kristin of Super Space Chick, and Mel of The Daily Prophecy). Follow along on social media using the hashtag #LoveaThon

My Love-a-Thon posts so far:
Mad Libs: Fairytale Edition
Mix and Match Challenge

Other places to find me this weekend:

♥  ♥  

Since you've been gone,
Every move,
Every breath,
Every word,
What I thought was true.
The year we fell apart,
Forever, interrupted

So, while I kinda love this one, it's also sort of depressing (haha), so I did another quick one with one of my great loves: London 

There you'll find me.
This I know:
London belongs to me.

I can't wait to see everyone else's attempts at book spine poetry!


  1. I've never done book spine poetry before but I LOVE yours! Especially the London one! Also your London merchandise is so cute, I am LOVING that pillow!!!

    Cristina @ Girl in the Pages

  2. I love both of them! Seriously, I think the first one is beautiful, and the second is cute! Good job. c:

    Rayna @ Reader Rayna

  3. Oh I love your first one! It's so poetic (duh) which I find super hard to do with book titles! I managed to come up with a short rhyming poem, but not nearly as beautiful sounding as yours!!

  4. Both of your poems are incredible! I'm especially fond of the first one, even if its a bit more melancholy. Beautiful job <3

  5. :bows down: These were fantastic. The first one had me. I didn't think you could top it, and then you did. Both are flawless. It was as if you weren't even doing a book title challenge and instead wrote a poem. <3

  6. Ah yes! I commented on Twitter about how much I love your London poem / photo but I felt I should say it here too. So gorgeous!


Thanks for visiting Ramblings of a Daydreamer! I love hearing what you have to say, and I appreciate every single comment. I hope to see you here again soon! ♥

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