I read 97 books in 2016! My GoodReads goal was 80, so I was really excited to meet and then surpass that goal.
Here are some stats about the books I read in 2016:
- # of Young Adult Books: 52
- # of New Adult Books: 13
- # of Adult Books: 27
- # of Graphic Novels: 2
- # of Middle Grade Books: 3
- # of DNFs (I still count these toward my overall number, because I give them a fair shot - typically 20-30% and since I'm a slow reader, that takes time): 8
- I read a lot of LGBTQ+ books this year and a few books that dealt with mental health, but I didn’t read many books with main characters who are POC, or written by marginalized authors. That's definitely something I want to change in 2017.
- The majority of the books I read were contemporary. I added in a few miscellaneous genres like mystery, paranormal, and fantasy, plus I read three Middle Grade books, which I thoroughly enjoyed, as well as two graphic novels. Those are two things I'm going to be open to in 2017.

- Read at least 85 books
- Branch out with genres. I have eclectic tastes, but my 2016 reading list didn't exactly reflect that. I'd like to read more historic fiction, science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, and mystery.
- Read more of the books I own, both on my shelves and on my Kindle
- This one ties into the one above: Read more backlist books (books published before 2016)
- Read at least 5 non-fiction books. I'm not a huge non-fiction lover, but I have a few in mind, and this ties into branching out with my reading.
- Read fewer review books. This is a goal I have every year, but I'm honestly determined to make the change this year. I think it would be realistic to set a goal of 50/50 - 50% 'me' books and 50% review books. I need to request fewer books and resist the temptation to download a ton of the books I'm auto-approved for. I'm going to try really hard to limit review books to ones I'm truly interested in/excited for.
- This isn't a goal so much as something new in 2017: no more reading challenges. I typically sign up for a ton of them and then after a few weeks or months, stop keeping track, stop sharing my links on the host blogs, etc. It's too much pressure and too much to keep up with. I'm doing the GoodReads challenge because it actually makes it easier to keep track of my books, plus I'm doing Bookish Bingo, and I might sign up for a few read-a-thons or mini challenges throughout the year, but no more year-long challenges. This is huge for me!

How many books did you read in 2016? Did you set a goal for this year? Have any other reading-related goals? I'd love to hear them! If you did a goal post, feel free to link me in the comments so I can visit. Also, stay tuned in the next few days for lists of some of my favourite books of 2016!
I read quite a few books in 2016 too, but you definitely read more YA than I did. I'm hoping to hit up more backlist titles this year too and reading some of the books already on my shelves.