Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday ~ 2014 Releases I Meant to Read

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

With new books constantly coming out, it's impossible to read all the ones you hope/plan/want to read in a year. So many amazing books came out in 2014, and while I bought a ton of them (plus won some, and got a bunch for review) and had every intention of reading them soon or even right away, I just couldn't get to all of them. Here are my top ten:

Behind the Scenes by Dahlia Adler
I bought this one shortly after it came out. I know (and adore) Dahlia from Twitter, and while I had every intention of reading this one last year, I never got to it. I did, however, read her debut NA, Last Will and Testament and LOVED it.

Make It Right by Megan Erickson
Megan’s another author I know and love from Twitter (and Facebook). I read her debut, Make It Count, and instantly claimed Kat as my new bff. I won an ebook of Make It Right when it was released, and now that I own the last book in the series (Make It Last, which came out last week), I’m going to try to read the last two together.

Jewel of the Thames by Angela Misri
A teenage girl detective living at 221 Baker Street, the former office of one Mr. Sherlock Holmes and his associate Dr. John Watson? OH HELL YES. If you know me well, you’ll know I love all things Sherlockian, I love historic fiction in general, plus Angela is Canadian, and I try to read as much CAN Lit as possible. I honestly intended to read this book the second it was in my hot little hands, but…well…stuff happens. Definitely this year, and hopefully soon!

Swimming to Tokyo by Brenda St. John Brown
This is another one I bought when it came out, but then didn’t read. It sounds so good. There aren’t many books set in Tokyo, and I love love love books with foreign settings, so I’m excited for this one.
Confession time: I own most of Julie’s books, but haven’t read any of them. What can I say, I’m a book hoarder. I haven’t read many sports books, but I’ve loved the ones I have read (which is kinda shocking to me, since I’m not a sports person), and I’d like to read more.
Winterspell by Claire Legrand
A dark and twisty YA retelling of Nutcracker? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE?

He + She by Michelle Warren
I met Michelle on Facebook around the time we both published our debut novels a few years ago. While I own all of her books, I haven’t actually read any of them. OOPS. I plan to start with He + She because it sounds right up my alley. 

Unethical by Jennifer Blackwood
Yet another book I bought when it came out and didn’t have a chance to read. It sounds really good, plus Jen is a total sweetheart. 

17 First Kisses by Rachael Allen
Friendship, romance, tragic and mysterious past? I’m in!

All Lined Up by Cora Carmack
I read and enjoyed Cormack’s Losing It last year, and I’ve heard people rave about the Rusk University series. This also goes back to wanting to read more sports books.

Those are ten of the dozens of books I meant to read in 2014 but didn’t get to. Have you read any of them? Which should I bump up on my list?



  1. I love the look of Jewel of the Thames, straight on my TBR :)
    Cora @ Tea Party Princess

  2. Great to hear - and just in time for book 2 - which comes out in March 2015!

  3. I really want to read Winterspell. I love Christmas, I love The Nutcracker, I love retellings, I love dark and twisty and I LOVE the cover! I'm definitely going to pick this up and read it when Christmas 2015 comes around.


  4. Wow, besides He + She, I haven't even heard of any of these. I was really out of it in 2014.

  5. Jewel of the Thames looks like fun. I NEED TO READ WINTERSPELL RIGHT NOW. I have been so excited about that book and I still haven't even bought it let alone read it!! I love the Nutcracker so I cannot wait to read a retelling!

  6. I have read Whatever Life Throws at you and I really enjoyed it :-) I hope you get around to reading all of these books Marie, they sound wonderful.


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