Sign up for the 2014 Historic Fiction Reading Challenge here
Can you believe it's February already? How are you doing with the Historic Fiction Reading Challenge? How about your other 2014 challenges? You can see all the January reviews here, and I've updated the 2014 Historic Fiction Reading Challenge page at the top of the blog as well.
Here's a refresher of how this works:
- You read as many (or as few) historic fiction books as you want during the month of February
- Post your review on your blog (or GoodReads, Amazon, etc if you don't have a blog) between February 1st and 28th
- Post a direct link to your review in the Linky below.
- If you'd like to enter the giveaway, post the name of the review you linked up. Each new review = an entry in the giveaway, so don't forget to add your reviews. You can enter as many as three reviews each day (which I don't expect anyone to actually do, I just wanted to be sure there were lots of spaces for reviews).
- If you didn't have a chance/forgot to link up your January reviews in January, you can link them up in February.
A big thank you to last month's sponsor, CJ Archer, who generously donated a prize.
We're lucky enough to have a sponsor for February too, which I'm really excited about. This month one challenge participant will get Titan Magic and Titan Magic: Body and Soul by Jodi Lamm (which are Victorian fantasy). I haven't read these books yet (I have them for review though), but I read Jodi's book Chemistry last year and loved it. You can find Jodi on her website, GoodReads, and Twitter. Thank you, Jodi!
- If you're on Twitter, you can use the hashtag #2014HFRC to update your progress or when you share your reviews. I'll randomly retweet tweets that use the hashtag.
- You don't have to post the challenge button on your sidebar, but if you'd like to, you can grab the code in the right sidebar
How many historic fiction books did you read in January? Which was your favourite? I only managed to read one - Mayhem by Sarah Pinborough - which I really enjoyed and highly recommend. In February, I plan to read Lady Thief by AC Gaughen, and hopefully at least one other historic fiction book, but I haven't decided which yet. What do you plan to read?

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Can't wait for my copy of Lady Thief! I haven't read any historical fictions lately, but one of my all-time favorites in the genre is The Far Pavilions by M.M. Kaye.