Friday, March 29, 2013

A little update

Happy Friday, guys! 

This isn't a real post, it's just basically me telling you that I don't have a post for today lol. I didn't have one yesterday either, but that's because my computer ate the discussion post I wrote and I didn't have time to rewrite it. It's been a really busy week and I'm falling behind with things, so I decided to take a break from blogging for a couple days. I'll be posting my monthly recap on the weekend and then hopefully in April I'll be able to start scheduling posts ahead and not always have to rush at the last minute.

I'm also hoping to start a semi-regular blogging schedule on my personal blog and my author blog. Basically I just need to get better organized and prioritize things so I'm not super stressed and so that blogging doesn't feel so much like a job. It's supposed to be fun, damn it!

Annnd, as many of you already know I'm releasing my third novel, WAITING FOR THE STORM in less than two weeks. I've been spending the last couple days looking for bloggers/reviewers interesting in reviewing it. If you'd like to receive an e-ARC for review, click the 'Calling All Bloggers' button at the top of the blog and it'll lead you to an excerpt and information about review copies.

Ok, that's it! I hope you've all had a great week!

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