Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year ~ Review Copy Sign-up

Now that Halloween is over, I can start promoting my Christmas novella! I know a lot of you might not want to think about winter or Christmas/the holidays just yet, but I also know there are some of you who are already digging out the holiday movies and CDs, and deciding how to decorate your house. I'm somewhere in between...I can't believe how fast this year has gone, and I'm kind of in denial that winter is coming, but I do like to start reading a few holiday books here and there, and I know exactly where my Christmas movies are for when the mood strikes.

Last year, I released THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR, a New Adult holiday novella. My wonderful friend Jessica Sankiewicz offered to help me host a book blitz this month to promote it, so sign-ups for that will go up on Monday (the 3rd), but for now, I decided to post sign-ups for anyone who might like a complimentary review copy. 

Want to know more about the book?

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, right? At least that’s what twenty-year-old Ginny Bailey’s grandmother always told her, and Ginny believed it until Grama died. She even put on a brave face the following two Christmases, carrying on Grama’s traditions and decorating her house and cafĂ© with Grama’s favorite decorations.
But Ginny can’t pretend any longer. When she finds out she’s going to be alone for the holidays this year, her Christmas spirit goes out the window, along with her luck. Everything that can go wrong does, and Ginny just wants to spend the holidays hiding under the covers...until Dean Riley comes back into her life. With a shared past, old feelings begin to resurface almost immediately, and Ginny thinks Dean might just be the Christmas miracle she’s been waiting for to help her remember why Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year.

Are you a reviewer who’s interested in receiving a free copy of THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR in exchange for an honest review? If you’re able to post your review by December 25th, 2014, and you’re willing to post your review in multiple places (blog, GoodReads, Amazon, and/or Barnes & Noble), sign up for a review copy here. Reviews do not have to be positive. If you don't enjoy the book, that's your prerogative, and if you're comfortable posting a negative review, I promise that's fine with me. I'm grateful to anyone who's willing to read any of my books and take the time to write a review. Your reviews don't have to be long either; I think the minimum for Amazon reviews is something like 20 words, so if you just want to write a paragraph or two about why you did or didn't like the book, that would be great. Reviews help authors so much. They're one of the best ways to spread the word about a book, and many readers depend on reviews to help them make the decision whether to buy a book or not.

If you're interested in participating in the blitz for THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR (it'll run from November 17th-19th), be sure to come back next week to sign up. Jessica has an amazing giveaway as part of the blitz, and I'm going to try to come up with something great, too.

*Note: if you're not a reviewer, or you can't commit to reviewing TMWTOTY by my deadline (or you just want to help this poor - and I do mean poor lol - little indie author out), the book is available to buy for just 99 cents.

1 comment:

  1. Listen I review books and I will review your book for you but I will buy it also! It is already out, so I think reviewers should be willing to give ot themselves once in a while and buy the book! I will send you a link to the review in time for Christmas!


Thanks for visiting Ramblings of a Daydreamer! I love hearing what you have to say, and I appreciate every single comment. I hope to see you here again soon! ♥

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