Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Top 10 Tuesday: Books I loved but never reviewed

A bit of shameless self-promotion first. This week, I'm participating in Novel Publicity's Social Media Whirlwind Tour to advertise Terri Giuliano Long's book In Leah's WakeYesterday's post was a Twitterview with the author, and tomorrow I'll be posting an excerpt from In Leah's Wake. The self-promo part: if you go to Terri's blog, you can vote for the bloggers participating in the tour, and I'd be ever-so-grateful if you'd go and vote for Ramblings of a Daydreamer. It would only take a second, and it would mean a lot to me. As incentive, I've been thinking of holding a 200 follower giveaway (I'm getting so close!) and if I win the Amazon gift certificate, that would help fund the giveaway. So please, please go vote for me!
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. It was created because of their love of lists and books, and since I love those things too, I thought I'd join in every once in awhile, when I have time. 
 Top 10 Books You Loved But Never Wrote A Review For  
(either books you loved and couldn't bring yourself to write a review for or books that you read long before blogging...time to give them a shoutout!)

Usually I struggle to come up 10 things for a list, but this is the first time I’ve actually had to pare down a top 10 list. These are all books I read before I became a book blogger (in some cases, years before). They are basically personal favorites. A lot of them are on my re-read list, so I might write reviews for them eventually, but I doubt it’ll be any time soon – there are just too many great books out there that I haven’t read!

1. All the Harry Potter books by JK Rowling. I don’t know if I could write reviews for these even if I wanted to because they’re so near and dear to me. I’ve read them a gazillion times though, so if any books on this list were to make it to reviews, these would be the most likely.  {Amazon || GoodReads}

2. The Sugar Queen by Sarah Addison Allen. One of my favorite books ever. Ever. I cannot express how much I love this book. Sarah Addison Allen is a genius, and I read all of her books before I started blogging, except for The Peach Keeper, which I have a review written for and just never posted it…must do that!
{Amazon || GoodReads}

3. Zel by Donna Jo Napoli. A dark, slightly disturbing, beautifully-written retelling of the classic Rapunzel. I’ve read this one a couple of times. {Amazon || GoodReads}

4. Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen. I’ve talked about this book a dozen times or more on my blog. It was my story when I was 17; I was convinced Sarah had written it for – and about - me and my best friend. {Amazon || GoodReads}

5. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. One of the most amazing books ever. Like, life-changing amazing. 
Everyone should read this book.  {Amazon || GoodReads}

6.  If You Could See Me Now by Cecelia Ahern. Well, basically all of Cecelia Ahern’s books (have read them all, but of course they were all pre-blogger days), but for this list it was a toss-up between IYCSMN and The Gift…ok, and PS I Love You. lol An amazing, magical, fun, slightly bittersweet book that has stuck with me for years, just like all of Cecelia’s other books.  {Amazon || GoodReads}

7. The Passport to Peril series by Maddy Hunter. (Alpine For You, Top O’ the Mournin’, Pasta Imperfect, Hula Done It, G’day to Die, Norway to Hide) These books have something for everyone – romance, mystery, comedy, you name it. Even though I didn’t get a chance to review the first 6 books, I’ll be reviewing an ARC of Maddy’s new book, Dutch Me Deadly, which comes out early next year. I’m so excited! {Amazon || GoodReads}

8. The Year of Living Famously by Laura Caldwell. This was a cute, funny book that I still think about years after reading it. It’s romance/chick-lit, and the main guy is a hot Irishman - what could be better?  {Amazon || GoodReads}

9. The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. This was one of the books on the BBC’s list of 100 must-read books, and a couple of years ago, I was trying to make a dent in the list, so I chose this book. I’m so glad I did. Unique, heartbreaking, romantic, and bittersweet, this book made the list for a reason.  {Amazon || GoodReads}

10. The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown. Books like this usually aren’t my cup of tea, but a friend lent it to me and I loved it. I even convinced my Grama to read it (probably 5 years ago, so she’d have been 94), and she loved it. I also really enjoyed the others in the Robert Landon series, Angels and Demons, and The Lost Symbol. {Amazon || GoodReads}
What are some of the books you read and didn't review? Did you not review them because you weren't blogging yet, or because they were so personal that you just couldn't write a review? I'd love to hear from you!


  1. I really liked The DaVinci Code, but I haven't read any other book of the series...
    Great List! ;)

  2. Hi Marie, new follower here, thanks for the goodreads friend request :-)
    I loved The Time Traveller's Wife too.
    Best wishes,
    Lindsay :-)

  3. I loooooooooooooooooooooove Sugar Queen. But we'll have to agree to disagree on The Time Traveler's Wife ;)

    GREAT list.


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