Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Review: The Rule Book by Jennifer Blackwood

The Rule Book by Jennifer Blackwood
Series: Rule Breakers #1
Published: May 9th, 2016
Publisher: Entangled Publishing (Embrace)
290 pages (ebook)
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Acquired this book: Bought
Warning: May contain spoilers
{GoodReads || Buy this book: Amazon || Chapters/Indigo}

Starr Media Second-Assistant Survival Guide
1. Don't call your hot boss the antichrist to his face.
2. Don't stare at hot boss's, um, package or his full sleeve of tattoos. (No. Really. Stop!)
3. Don't get on the malicious first assistant's bad side.
4. Don't forget to memorize the 300-page employee manual.
5. If you value your cashmere, steer clear of boss’s dog.
6. Boss’s dimples are lust-inducing. Do. Not. Give. In.
7. “The elevator ate your clothes” is not a valid excuse for showing up to important meetings half dressed.
8. Don't break seven of the rules within the first week of employment if you, ya know, are in dire need of money to support your sick mom.
9. Whatever you do, don’t fall for the boss. See rule eight about sick mom.
10. Never forget the rules.

The Rule Book was one of only three books I managed to read in May. Three books is perfectly respectable, but considering I normally read at least twice, often three times that number, it was hard to go for days at times with life being so stressful and hectic that I couldn’t pick up a book. When I started reading The Rule Book, I knew within the first few pages it was exactly what my poor frazzled brain needed. As a lifelong romcom junkie, this book made me think of the funny, cute, feel-good movies I love watching over and over. It reminded me a lot of The Devil Wears Prada, except with a male who seems rigid and rule-obsessed, yet wouldn’t eat you alive the way Miranda Priestly would!

One of the things I liked best about The Rule Book was how well developed Lainey was. I’ve read several books lately where the story revolves solely around the romance and nothing else. While I love romance, I want a character to have personality and have a life outside just thinking about/talking about/being with the love interest. Blackwood did a great job of balancing Lainey’s work life, personal life, and romantic life. Since my mum is my best friend, I appreciated and related to Lainey’s relationship with her mother, especially since so many mother-daughter relationships in books are hellish and full of turmoil.

Laugh-out-loud funny, sexy, and fairly low on the angst-meter, The Rule Book is the perfect treat if you’re looking mostly for lighthearted fun with a side of genuine emotion.

Have you read The Rule Book? What did you think? If you haven't read it, do you plan to? Do you have a favourite office or forbidden romance book?

1 comment:

  1. This sounds so cute and funny. I feel like light and fluffy is what a lot of us our needing lately.


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