Published: April 26th, 2016
Publisher: Atria Books
224 pages (ARC)
Genre: Non-fiction
Acquired this book: From Simon & Schuster Canada in exchange for honest consideration
Warning: May contain spoilers
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Based on the viral Instagram account of the same name, Hot Dudes Reading takes its readers on a ride through all five boroughs of New York City, with each section covering a different subway line. Using their expert photography skills (covert iPhone shots) and journalistic ethics (#NoKindles), the authors capture the most beautiful bibliophiles in all of New York—and take a few detours to interview some of the most popular hot dudes from the early days of the Instagram account.
Fun, irreverent, and wittily-observed, this book is tailor-made for book lovers in search of their own happy endings—and those who just want to get lost between the covers for a while.

This book is so much fun. Obviously the pictures make for fantastic eye candy, but it’s much more than that. The hilarious captions and hashtags had me laughing out loud. There were interviews interspersed throughout the book and I was impressed by how funny, articulate, and intelligent the guys were. Where are these guys in real life?? I hardly ever see guys reading on the bus in my city and if I do they’re George RR Martin lookalikes. Also, I rode the underground in London every day for a week last year and didn’t see any hot dudes reading. Not fair! Apparently it’s time to fulfill my lifelong dream of visiting New York City. That was another thing I loved about the book: getting to travel through NYC. The pictures were taken throughout New York on the subway, platforms, in parks, etc., so it was like getting to travel vicariously while admiring hot, smart guys.
If you’re looking for something that will make you drool and laugh, make sure to pick up a copy of Hot Dudes Reading. This is one of those books I know I’ll grab off my shelf when I need a good giggle...or when I need a dose of eye candy. ;-)

Have you read Hot Dudes Reading?
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I'm guessing I'd love this book. I love seeing the pics on line. And you're right, where are all these hot guys? I never saw one reading on the underground either!!!