Series: In Focus #3
Published: March 15th, 2016
Publisher: InterMix
202 pages (eARC)
Genre: Contemporary New Adult/LGBTQ
Acquired this book: Via NetGalley in exchange for honest consideration
Warning: May contain spoilers
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{Read my review of Trust the Focus || Read my review of Focus on Me}
And it won’t be just any cruise. On board are members of the reality show Trip League, which follows young twenty-somethings on adventures around the world. Since the show’s beginning, Quinn has been fascinated by J. R. Butler, with his amazing body, warm eyes, and killer grin. Unfortunately, he’s straight—or so the world thinks.
At nineteen, J. R. signed a contract to play straight for the show, and there’s no way to get out of it now. Yet with each passing day, Quinn and J. R. find it harder to keep their hands off each other and to keep out of the camera’s frame. But when the lens finally focuses on them, J. R. must decide if he’s willing to risk his career by admitting his bisexuality, and Quinn must determine if he's bold enough to stand in the spotlight with the man of his dreams...

Having read and loved Trust the Focus and Focus on Me, I couldn’t wait for Out of Frame. Megan Erickson has a knack for writing relatable characters, realistic situations, and a great balance of humour, feels, and sexiness.
Set during Spring Break, Out of Frame takes place on a cruise ship. Quinn and his best friend Jess are enjoying a fun week during senior year of college, and JR is part of the cast of a reality TV series filming on the cruise. Quinn is known for being shy, doing the right thing, and allowing other people - especially his overprotective parents and his ex who wanted to keep Quinn in the closest - to have too much say in his life. On the reality show, JR is known for being a jerk, a brawler, a guy with a short fuse. Both guys are so much more than what they appear, and I loved the way Erickson delved into these characters, showing their complexities, and their growth throughout the book.
I connected easily with Quinn especially, and saw a lot of myself in him - shy, kinda neurotic, funny little habits/quirks (the scene where they were eating crab and he pulled all the meat out of the shells before eating it...I laughed so hard because that’s the exact type of thing I would do). I absolutely loved his growth, along with JR’s. It was hard to believe the book took place over such a short span of time because their growth and the lessons they learned about themselves and each other were so realistic. It never felt rushed or forced. I got teary a few times because the tough lessons and decisions they made were so true to life and I was so proud of them. Also, I was ecstatic to see a character who openly identified as bisexual. It’s so rare to actually see it on page, and it worked perfectly for JR’s character.
Out of Frame is a realistic, romantic, funny, and heartfelt story about figuring out what’s right for you and what will make you happy, and having the courage to follow your heart. It’s cute and sweet, while still dealing with tough situations, lots of emotion, and a healthy dose of swoons and sexytimes. Trust the Focus is still my favourite in the series, but Out of Frame comes in a close second. No spoilers, but I loved the addition of the epilogue - I was actually bouncing in my seat when I started reading it and I wanted to hug my Kindle. This book was pretty damn near perfect from beginning to end, and I can't wait for more in the series!
Set during Spring Break, Out of Frame takes place on a cruise ship. Quinn and his best friend Jess are enjoying a fun week during senior year of college, and JR is part of the cast of a reality TV series filming on the cruise. Quinn is known for being shy, doing the right thing, and allowing other people - especially his overprotective parents and his ex who wanted to keep Quinn in the closest - to have too much say in his life. On the reality show, JR is known for being a jerk, a brawler, a guy with a short fuse. Both guys are so much more than what they appear, and I loved the way Erickson delved into these characters, showing their complexities, and their growth throughout the book.
I connected easily with Quinn especially, and saw a lot of myself in him - shy, kinda neurotic, funny little habits/quirks (the scene where they were eating crab and he pulled all the meat out of the shells before eating it...I laughed so hard because that’s the exact type of thing I would do). I absolutely loved his growth, along with JR’s. It was hard to believe the book took place over such a short span of time because their growth and the lessons they learned about themselves and each other were so realistic. It never felt rushed or forced. I got teary a few times because the tough lessons and decisions they made were so true to life and I was so proud of them. Also, I was ecstatic to see a character who openly identified as bisexual. It’s so rare to actually see it on page, and it worked perfectly for JR’s character.
Out of Frame is a realistic, romantic, funny, and heartfelt story about figuring out what’s right for you and what will make you happy, and having the courage to follow your heart. It’s cute and sweet, while still dealing with tough situations, lots of emotion, and a healthy dose of swoons and sexytimes. Trust the Focus is still my favourite in the series, but Out of Frame comes in a close second. No spoilers, but I loved the addition of the epilogue - I was actually bouncing in my seat when I started reading it and I wanted to hug my Kindle. This book was pretty damn near perfect from beginning to end, and I can't wait for more in the series!

you read Out of Frame or any of the other books in the In Focus series?
What did you think? If you
haven't read them, do you plan to? Do you have a favourite book that takes place over Spring Break?
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