Fun facts about Unexpected
1. I started writing Unexpected right before I wrote Resist. I wanted so much to tell Alina and Ryan's story because I love it (and I love them), but it just wasn't working. There was something missing from it and I couldn't pinpoint what it was at the time, so I set the project aside until I could figure out what the "something missing" was.
2. It was originally supposed to only be in Alina's point-of-view. When I picked it up again after finishing Longing, Ryan decided to start talking to me. I couldn't ignore him, so I started mapping out a dual POV plan and everything fell into place from there. I actually think the story wouldn't be what it is today without his perspective, so I'm thankful he spoke up.
3. The cover you see isn't the cover I intended to have. Right before the amazing Marie Landry was going to work on it, I ended up discovering that another author used the photo I had in mind for it. This, of course, caused instant panic in me as I frantically began a search for a new photo. Luckily for me, I managed to find one within a day. Honestly, I'm much happier with this cover than I would have been with the other. It really personifies Ryan and Alina much better.
4. I spent a decent portion of my time complaining about how much I wanted Ryan and Alina to "just kiss already" to my best friend. She reminded me that I'm the author and I can make them do whatever I wanted them to do. It wasn't my fault that my characters were being stubborn!
5. The shower scene was written and rewritten about fifteen different ways. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but it's essentially true. I kept changing my mind about how I wanted it written, and at one point early on I even made the story into an erotic short. I reread the "short story" earlier this year and couldn't help but laugh at the cheesiness of it (and believe me it was a big old hunk of cheese). To be completely honest, it was probably the smartest thing I've done with my writing--just playing around with it a little bit. Testing the waters. Taking the story into the wrong direction on purpose to see if I could figure out the right direction. It helped me grow a lot in my writing, so I'm thankful for it. And it lead me to writing Unexpected the way it needed to be.
6. The story in the book ends on July 21st... the same day as the release! This was a happy accident and not planned out. I picked the date, then went through the story to make sure what days the story coincides with on the calendar and discovered the last day in the book is the day of release. It made me giggle.

Ever had one of those days? Alina Lyons is having one. Everything keeps falling apart and going wrong. Just when she thinks it couldn't get worse, it does. After a case of mistaken identity and a broken heart, she finds herself questioning the things she thought she knew. She wonders who she can turn to or trust anymore.
An unlikely bond with her former best friend's ex, Ryan Wilcox, sends her life in a new direction. He offers her a place to stay while she gets her life back on track. His friendship is exactly what she's been missing—what she's been needing. Alina's never felt this alive. As time goes by, the dynamic of their relationship becomes more than either of them expected. A few innocent kisses could lead them in a new direction, but are they prepared for what's on the other side?
Only one way to find out.
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Have you read Unexpected? If you haven't, you should! ;-) What do you think of Lilly's fun facts? Let's talk here or on Twitter!
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