Monday, June 29, 2015

Summer Reading 2015

There are so many books I want to read this summer, I thought it would be a good idea to make a list so I can keep track of my progress. I highly doubt I'll get all of these read in the next few months, and I'll probably add in a few more, but these are the books I want to read the most.

  • The Good Girls by Teresa Mummert (Not sure I'll be writing a review)
What books do you hope to read this summer? Have you read any of the ones on my list? Let's talk here or on Twitter!

1 comment:

  1. You've got some interesting choices there. I've wanted to read Going Vintage, Jessie's Girl (come on, release!) and The Summer of Chasing Mermaids for a while now. I'm not going to be able to get too many books in while trying to write 50k plus for Camp NaNoWriMo this month, but I'd like to try and get in a book a week to balance what I'm taking in vs. what I'm putting on the page. (Or at least on Scrivener, at this point.)


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