Michael (Path of Angels #1) ~ Zadekiel (Path of Angels #2)

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They must fight to stay on the path.Joe embraces his duty without fear or hesitation, always ready for the next battle. But the path has never been easy. With Michael’s return, they uncover a truth more dangerous than they ever imagined. Their enemy plans to unleash the devil himself, Lucifer. Help comes in the form of an unlikely alley: a member of the fallen.Mariangela is trying to make amends by protecting the child she is carrying. After blindly following Lucifer in the rebellion, her misguided allegiance came with a price: banishment from heaven. Now, as she strives for forgiveness in the human world, she must fight to prevent Uriel, a fallen archangel, from using her child to free evil from Hell.
The path becomes a battleground, one which may already be lost.
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Guest Post by Patricia Josephine ~ Bitter Angel
fallen angels get a bad rep. They are easy bad guys. They did fall from
grace after all, so it’s easy to make them embrace evil. I found it easy to write my fallen angels as bad guys.
Then there’s Mariangela.
A lone fallen angel trying to make things right.
Her name is Italian and means bitter angel. Although, she isn’t really
bitter and I can’t remember why, when I was writing the first draft, I
chose it. That’s actually something she put behind herself. She had to
forgive herself for what she did. Once she did that, she became the
person you meet in the story. She’s kind and gentle, but determined. I
think she is a strong woman. She’s not a fighter, but she will stand up
and do what she believes is right.
~About the Author~

Patricia Josephine never set out to
become a writer. In fact, she never considered it an option during high school and
college. But some stories are meant to be told and this one chose her. Patricia
lives with her husband in Michigan, hopes one day to have what will resemble a
small petting zoo and has a fondness for dying her hair the colors of the
Patricia Josephine writes young adult under the name Patricia Lynne.
Patricia Josephine writes young adult under the name Patricia Lynne.
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Ha! I just saw your one tag. DiversityFTW. Awesome. Thank you for having us, Marie. <3