Thursday, September 11, 2014

Blog, Writing, and Life Updates

Hi guys!

Some of you may have noticed my posts have been really sporadic over the last few months. I wish I had a big, exciting reason like I was traveling or something, but I've just been here, working away, as usual. I'll admit, I've lost some of my passion for blogging, and with so much else to do, it's taken a back burner. I don't want to give up the blog entirely, because I love it, and I love this community, so I'm hoping to get back to a regular blogging schedule this fall. To motivate myself to blog regularly, I'll likely be branching out from just posting reviews and other bookish things to talking more about my writing and general life stuff. 

Speaking of writing...I'm hard at work on my sixth novel, Take Them by Storm. This is the third book in the Angel Island companion series. For those of you who read After the Storm, you'll likely remember Sadie - this is her book. It's been a ton of fun to write, mostly because it's a huge departure from what I normally write. It starts almost a year after Ella's book ends, with Sadie moving away from Angel Island to start college. While I've written New Adult before, this is my first college book, and it's my first LGBT book, which is both exciting and terrifying. So many people have told me they loved Sadie in After the Storm, which makes me incredibly happy, but it's also slightly daunting. I feel like I have a lot to live up to, but I think (and hope!) you guys will like Take Them by Storm. You can add the book to your GoodReads TBR here. If all goes well, I should be finished the first draft in the next week or so, and then I'll be working on the cover, which means a cover reveal! Then it'll be time for edits, beta readers, ARCs, a blog tour, etc. Keep an eye on the blog for more information!

Speaking of the Angel Island series...right now, Waiting for the Storm is up against four other covers in a Cover Wars competition at Author Shout. I'm currently in second place, so I need your help if I'm going to win! I'd be so grateful if you'd take a minute and vote for Waiting for the Storm. You can do this once daily. Also, if you'd like a chance to read Waiting for the Storm and After the Storm for free, in exchange for an honest review, I have the books up for a Read to Review on the YA & NA Romance GoodReads group.

And finally, if you enjoy mystery with romance and humour, be sure to enter for a chance to win an ebook of Lucky Catch by Deborah Coonts (open internationally).

What's new with you? How was your summer? Are you looking forward to fall (or summer, depending where you are in the world)?

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