If you haven't signed up for the 2014 Historic Fiction Reading Challenge, it's not too late. You can sign up here.
Happy May, historic fiction lovers! How are you doing with the Historic Fiction Reading Challenge so far? How about your other 2014 challenges?
If you'd like to check out fellow participants' reviews, you can see all the January reviews here, the February reviews here, the March reviews here, and the April reviews here.
A huge thank-you to Angela Misri, who was our sponsor for April.
So far for the challenge I've read:
Mayhem by Sarah Pinborough
Lady Thief by AC Gaughen
The Clockwork Scarab by Colleen Gleason
The Beautiful and the Cursed by Page Morgan
Prisoner of Night and Fog by Anne Blankman {review to come}
Books I plan to read in May:
The Lovely and the Lost by Page Morgan
Jewel of the Thames by Angela Misri
The Falconer by Elizabeth May
Here's a refresher of how this works:
- You read as many (or as few) historic fiction books as you want during the month of May
- Post your review on your blog (or GoodReads, Amazon, etc if you don't have a blog) between May 1st and 30th
- Post a direct link to your review in the Linky below
- If you'd like to enter the giveaway, first make sure you're signed up for the challenge, then in the entry that says 'Post a review', tell me the name of the review you linked up in the Linky. Each new review = an entry in the giveaway, so don't forget to add your reviews. You can enter as many as three reviews each day (which I don't expect anyone to actually do, I just wanted to be sure there were lots of spaces for reviews).
- If you didn't have a chance/forgot to link up your reviews from previous months, you can link them up in May. No double posting of reviews though please.
- If you're on Twitter, you can use the hashtag #2014HFRC to update your progress or when you share your reviews. I'll randomly retweet tweets that use the hashtag.
- You don't have to post the challenge button on your sidebar, but if you'd like to, you can grab the code in my right sidebar.
- If you're interested in becoming a sponsor for the Historic Fiction Reading Challenge by donating books, ebooks, swag, gift cards, etc., please contact me at irishstar_83(at)hotmail(dot)com. If you're an author, I'll spotlight your book for the month and include your website, Twitter, Facebook, etc.; if you're a blogger, I'll spotlight your blog and other social media. All sponsors are listed on the 2014 Historic Fiction Reading Challenge page, which will stay up all year.

I think April's comment got missed: (A) no reply ;-) (B) that blurb "I doubt anyone enters 3 reviews a day" is showing up again this month. I sit down to 10+ entries in one shot! :) Not everyone is on Twitter, facebook (c'est moi). If those switch to rafflecopter entries, it would be awesome. Having fun with your new challenge, Carolyn. http://cmriedel.wordpress.com/ethereal-2014/