What is a Street Team? It's a group of passionate book lovers who are dedicated to helping an author spread the word about their books - either a particular book or series, or all their books. In exchange, they often get exclusive goodies and information before anyone else.
The Angel Island Street Team is for people who are interested in helping me spread the word about the Angel Island companion novels - Waiting for the Storm (published April 2013) and After the Storm (coming Spring 2014).
If you join the Angel Island Street Team,
you’ll get:
- My undying gratitude. Seriously. Self-promotion is hard (not to mention often uncomfortable because I’m shy and hate bugging people), so it means a lot to have a team of people who are dedicated to supporting me and helping spread the word about my books. The less time I spend pimping my books, the more time I spend writing new books!
- You’ll get a special acknowledgment in After the Storm, and the third book in the Angel Island series if you remain on the team
- You’ll get first dibs at ARCs when they become available
- Swag! Bookmarks, stickers, and other cool stuff
- Exclusive giveaways only for Street Team members - this could be anything from gift certificates to special swag to special gift packages
- In regular giveaways that are open to everyone, Street Team members will get an extra entry
- On the Angel Island Street Team page, I’ll make a list of members and link to your blog (or if you don’t have a blog, I can link to your GoodReads, Twitter, whatever you like)
- You’ll be the first to know new information about the series, and about contests, giveaways, promotions, etc
- You’ll have the opportunity to host exclusive giveaways on your blogs for swag, ebooks, etc
Ways you can help spread the word about
Waiting for the Storm, After the Storm, and the Angel Island books in general:
You can do as many or as few of these things as you
want. Please don’t do anything you’re not comfortable with. I’m grateful for
any and all help.
- Sign up for the After the Storm cover reveal (February 10th-15th)
- Help with cover reveals, blog tours, etc
- Add the Angel Island Street Team button to your blog

- Like my Facebook fan page
- Follow me on Twitter
- Become a ‘fan’ on GoodReads (feel free to add me as a friend too)
- Retweet any of my tweets about #WaitingForTheStorm #AfterTheStorm or #AngelIsland, and use any or all of those hashtags yourself when tweeting about the books
- When I post things about the books on Facebook, share them on your page/book page
- Like/comment on posts on my Facebook page (I know this might seem a bit random, but the more activity on a Facebook page, the more it shows up in people’s feeds, and the more Facebook will do to promote the page without me having to pay to do it)
- If you’ve read and reviewed the books, post your reviews everywhere possible - blog, GoodReads, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. Most people these days only seem to post on their blog and sometimes GoodReads, but Amazon reviews in particular are really helpful to authors. Reviews don’t have to be long (Amazon has something like a 20-word minimum), and they don’t even have to be positive (although I’m assuming you probably at least like the book(s) if you’re part of the Street Team). ;-) But seriously, just be honest - all reviews help.
- If you haven't already, add Waiting for the Storm and After the Storm to your TBR on GoodReads. If you have other shelves, consider shelving them on different shelves (things like young adult or new adult, indie authors, Canadian authors/setting, contemporary, romance, etc) so that people get a better idea what the books are about
- Post a Waiting on Wednesday (or similar) post for After the Storm
- Blog (or tweet or post on FB) about the Angel Island Street Team (be sure to link back to my blog so people know where to sign up)
- Share (Facebook, Twitter, blog, email) a picture of you reading WFTS/ATS. If I get enough of these, I’ll make a collage for my blog, and share it on my Facebook page
- If you’ve reviewed the books, consider tweeting quotes from your reviews, along with either a link to your review or to Amazon/your retailer of choice
- Add favourite quotes from the book(s) to GoodReads
- Sign up for email alerts/BlogLovin on my blog (right sidebar) so you don’t miss anything. I don’t want to bombard Street Team members with emails every time I think of something new, and while I’ll always alert you of big/important things, there might be smaller things of interest to you on my blog
- Like my author page on Amazon
- Pin the book covers on Pinterest
- ‘Like’ positive reviews of the books on Amazon
- Have me on your blog for an interview, guest post, book spotlight, etc. I’m open to anything, and I’m always willing to donate ebooks for giveaways
- Keep me in mind if you’re hosting a big giveaway and need prizes. I’m happy to donate ebooks, swag, etc
- Handy with photoshop? Make graphics for the books and post them on your blog/send them to me so I can share them
- If you really loved the book, considering gifting it to a friend
~Any other ideas for how to spread the word? Let me know!~
Want to be part of the Angel Island Street Team? Fill out the form below, or if it doesn't show up, click here. You can also join the Angel Island Street Team group on Facebook to share
ideas/get up-to-the-minute updates
You can email me
(irishstar_83(at)hotmail(dot)com) or tweet me (@SweetMarie83) anytime to share
ideas, ask questions, give suggestions, or share pictures, etc with me.
*If you have issues with email going to spam,
you might want to add me to your safe list

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I know I'm on your mailing list, but somehow I missed seeing this post. Or maybe I've just not been reading my emails well. Anyway I just signed up :) I don't really do cover reveals but I do other promos and blog tours so I'd like to help out :)