Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews

Rebel Angels by Libba Bray {GoodReads}
Catching Liam by Sophia Blue {GoodReads}
I got Rebel Angels for $1 at my library's book store (hardcover in great condition...I know it's the second book in the series but how could I pass it up?!), and I'd been eying Catching Liam but decided against getting it because I'd been one-clicking WAY too much lately, then I was on Amazon the other day and I got it for $1, when I'm pretty sure it was more than that before. I LOVE CHEAP BOOKS.

Broken Symmetry by Dan Rix {GoodReads}
Forbidden Mind by Kimberly Kinrade {GoodReads}
This isn't book-related, but I got a surprise package full of DVDs from my cousin the other day. I was so excited! I haven't seen any of these except Hunger Games (which I wished I owned but didn't want to buy). How lucky am I? Thank you, B!

The Hunger Games
Bend It Like Beckham
The Jewel of the Nile
Romancing the Stone
Phoebe in Wonderlandd
The Secret Life of Bees
Tomb Raider 1 & 2

Burn For Burn by Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian {GoodReads}

Fire With Fire by Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian {GoodReads}

- I reviewed Namesake by Sue MacLeod and gave it 3.75 stars. If you like timey-wimey books that are a combination of contemporary and historic fiction, I'd definitely recommend this one. Plus it was set partly in Canada!
- I talked about how in April I was interviewed for Quill and Quire Magazine and I found out this week that the article had been published. It was so exciting to be quoted and see my name in an article with other Canadian authors. Thank you so much to everyone who commented or tweeted me, your messages really warmed my heart!
- I participated in the blog tour for Dehumanized by Michael Loring. There's an excerpt, screensaver, and giveaway, so be sure to check it out!

- I finally got serious about writing novel #4 this week. I'm about 16,000 words in and happy with how things are going. Ideally I'll have it ready to publish before the end of the year, but I also have a holiday novella coming out in November and I need to get it revised and edited, so it may be a bit much trying to do both. We'll see!
- My eleven-year-old nephew, Noah, had his soccer tournament last weekend, and his team came in second place! We all went together as a family, and it was a lot of fun. On Thursday, my brother and sister-in-law invited us over for dinner and a visit. My s-i-l gave me a pedicure (my first ever!), and she, my 3-year-old nephew, Logan, and I made owl cupcakes.
Top L-R: Noah with his soccer medal; Logan; Maddy (my 10 weeks old niece) all cuddled up and sleeping
Middle L-R: Noah wanted his hair dyed pink and purple for the last game of the soccer tournament; Mr. Chocolate Face after decorating cupcakes; Miss Bright Eyes (yes, she was born with that much hair, yes everyone comments on it, and yes I play with it every chance I get)
Bottom L-R: OWLS! We had so much fun - Logan did a great job. I swear his hand-eye coordination is better than mine lol; my feet - pretty purple with a funky design on my big toes
was your week? Did you get any new books? Have you read any good ones
that you'd recommend? Tell me in the comments below or post a
link to your Stacking the
Shelves/Book Haul/In My Mailbox/Showcase Sunday, etc. Happy reading! <3

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We have 2 of the same books!
ReplyDeleteI just finished Catching Liam last night. It affected me in a way I NEVER expected. I am extremely protective over this book. And I got Broken Symmetry too :) I loved Entanglement by Dan Rix so I'm looking forward to this one.
I love how much effort you put into the post. Lovely pictures, some great new books, and who could resist free DVDs, especially classics like Romancing the stone? :)
ReplyDeleteCatching Liam looks so good! Let me know what you think of it?
ReplyDeleteTHOSE PICS. Oh the boys are so cute, and Maddy is just DARLING. That pic of her sleeping? I just want to cuddle her FOREVER.
I haven't heard of these but happy reading!
ReplyDeleteTsuki’s STS
I've yet to read anything by Libba Bray, but I keep hearing great things about her. And I think Broken Symmetry, has such a gorgeous cover. Happy reading, and my Mailbox Monday post will be up tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteWOOT for movies! Especially THG because I know you've wanted it. :) I haven't seen any of the others myself, although I was supposed to borrow Tomb Raider from a friend the other week and forgot to take it with me, lol.
ReplyDeleteYAY for 16,000 words! DUUUUUDDDEEE. I should be the one revising 16,000 words in one bound. FAIL. Okay, game plan for today = 16,000 words. If you can do it with straight new writing, I can do it with revising. Ready, go!
I bought Catching Liam BEFORE it went on sale -- wish I had waited! And I have a MAJOR problem with one-clicking lately. It's way too easy. I only feel the negative effect when I get that email compiling the cost of all my one-clicking. Oops.
ReplyDeleteI just bought Burn for Burn the other week! I can't wait to read it. :)
Hope you have a good week, Marie!
I could HUG you for letting me know that Catching Liam was only .99 cents. you're right, I'm pretty sure it was three or four bucks the other day. *jumps off to buy Catching Liam*
ReplyDeleteYes, got it! I've been dying to give a shot.
And Burn for Burn looks good.
Sounds like you have an awsome cousin for semding you all those cool DVDs.
Sounds like you had a great week. The Tomb Raider movies are fun and exciting.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to reading Burn for Burn. I've heard good things. I hope you enjoy your books!! :)
ReplyDeleteGreat haul Marie, I have just finished Catching Liam and I loved it, I need to pick up the next book ASAP.
ReplyDeleteBroken Symmetry and Forbidden Mind sound very interesting :)
my haul
Rebel Angels looks interesting. Happy Reading and enjoy your DVDs too!
ReplyDeleteHere are my newest additions.