The other day on my personal blog, I talked about how I’ve always been a
closest geek. If you met me in person, you’d likely see that I’m very shy and
kind of awkward, but you probably wouldn’t know I’m nerdy unless you got me
talking about a certain subject. I was always different growing up, but I tried
never to let it show. I wasn’t cool or popular, and I didn’t want to give the
‘cool kids’ any reason to notice me and make fun of me. It was already hard
being overweight and shy and a hopeless daydreamer.
I was lucky in that I had a very small, but very close group of friends. I wasn’t bullied too badly, and I was never concerned about being popular because the popular kids seemed so full of themselves, and they were all the same - same clothes, same hairstyles, same way of speaking. I liked being different. I just didn’t want them to know it.
I was lucky in that I had a very small, but very close group of friends. I wasn’t bullied too badly, and I was never concerned about being popular because the popular kids seemed so full of themselves, and they were all the same - same clothes, same hairstyles, same way of speaking. I liked being different. I just didn’t want them to know it.
Blogging has been an unexpected gift for me. I’ve met so many diverse people, made some incredible friends (two people that I consider among my closest friends are people I met through blogging and who I haven’t actually met in real life - YET), and I get to talk about my favourite thing: books. I can be honest, I can be nerdy, I can be me. In a world where someone is always trying to tell you who you should and shouldn't be, being able to simply be yourself is a pretty fantastic thing.
What about you? Do you consider yourself a nerd? Has blogging been a gift for you? In what way?

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Great post... total nerd here too:)
ReplyDeleteYesh, let your inner nerd out! \o/ Flaunt it if you got it. I've reached that age where I'm not as afraid to let my inner nerd show. In fact, I get a bit annoyed if people don't notice I'm being a nerd about something I love. lol
ReplyDeleteGreat post.
ReplyDeleteI've always been a nerd, and I've never been ashamed of it. I was always a bookworm and proud of it, especially since I've always loved sci-fi and fantasy. Being able to find others that also share that passion in a great bonus of blogging. It's more fun to be a nerd in the company of other nerds than to just be one on your own.
PROUD TO BE A NERD! Castle, Firefly, The Big Bang Theory... Blogging has been great for me, especially when it comes to nerding it out with my blogging buddies. ;) Fangirling is like the greatest thing evahhh!!! <3
ReplyDeleteOh, I just love this post, Marie! Blogging HAS been a gift to me. It brought me closer to a good friend, and I've met so many awesome people. You're one of my favorites I've met, of course. I love how well we click.
ReplyDeleteI've always been a geek/nerd, since I was a teen - that's when I started getting into fantasy novels, Star Trek, and it just grew from there into a love of things like steampunk, superheroes, Firefly, Buffy, reading great books, and such. I didn't show it AS much in high school, but I did have a great group of friends. I was a bit popular but wasn't concerned with being TOO much so. I was more into just having good friendships. After high school was when I really continued developing my interests.
Now I proudly geek out all the time, even if sometimes my friends don't GET it, they humor me and think it's adorable when I go off on a tangent about something.
I love that last quote, the "be you," quote because it's SO true. We should all be who we are, and proud of it! Love to you, girl!
Ahh, Marie this post made me tear up a bit because YES! SO MANY YES'S! I can absolutely relate, and book blogging, and even being occasionally involved in nerdfighteria and watching the vlogbrother videos has given me more confidence to just be nerdy me. I absolutely love that John Green quote :)
ReplyDeleteI think this is my new favorite post!
An awesome post Marie! I am a BIG time nerd/geek and very proud of it ;)I love the quotes you shared x