Happening is a weekly recap post every Thursday or Friday, in which I
talk about what I'm reading, writing, blogging about, and what's been
going on in my life. It takes the place of my former weekly recap post, Update Thursday.

Friends 'Til the End by David Wild {GoodReads}
The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley {GoodReads}
Madly by M. Leighton {GoodReads}
Walk Away With Me by Darby Davenport {GoodReads}

- I posted an ebook edition of Stacking the Shelves
- I participated in Top Ten Tuesday this week and talked about ten books I HAD to buy but still haven't read
- I posted my first 5 star review of the year: Bonnie of Evidence by Maddy Hunter, and then I had the great pleasure of interview Maddy the next day
- I weighed in on the recent drama circling the blogosphere about author/blogger relationships
Posts on my other blog:
- Elsewhere in the blogosphere: Molli from Once Upon a Prologue and Suz from A Soul Unsung are hosting an Anna and the French Kiss read-along. I read Anna in 2011 and have been wanting to reread it for ages, so I signed up. It's going to be a lot of fun!

It's been kind of a weird week. I'm still recovering from the bulging disc in my back and it feels like it's going so. Freaking. Slow. I'm trying hard not to get frustrated at being so limited in things I can do.
In happy news, I finished final revisions of WAITING FOR THE STORM. My proofreader started the final read-through today and hopefully by next week I'll have ARCs for reviewers! I'm once again pushing it close to the deadline since the book comes out in just a little over two weeks. One of these days I'll be better organized and will have my books ready for review several weeks in advance!
That's pretty much it for me this week. I hope you've all had a great week! Any plans for the weekend? Special blog posts you're working on and want to share? I'd love to hear from you!
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AHH, WFTS comes out SO SOON. I will download it as soon as it's available. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for the ANNA shout-out!