Happening is a weekly recap post every Thursday or Friday, in which I
talk about what I'm reading, writing, blogging about, and what's been
going on in my life. It takes the place of my former weekly recap post, Update Thursday.
Hi guys! I didn't have time to post an update last week because the blog's been pretty busy with reviews, blog tours, and discussion posts, so I have two weeks worth of updates for you.

Forever, Interrupted by Taylor Jenkins Reid {GoodReads}
None of the Regular Rules by Erin Downing {GoodReads}
Someday, Someday, Maybe by Lauren Graham {GoodReads}
That Summer by Sarah Dessen {GoodReads}
How Zoe Made Her Dreams (Mostly) Come True by Sarah Strohmeyer {GoodReads}

Friends 'Til the End by David Wild {GoodReads}
The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley {GoodReads}

I participated in the cover reveal for Game. Set. Match. by Jennifer Iacopelli
I reviewed That Summer by Sarah Dessen as part of the Spring of Sarah Dessen Reading Challenge
I was part of the Simon & Schuster Canada blog tour for Lucy Clarke's debut novel Swimming at Night. I reviewed the book (gave it 4.5 stars) and did an interview with Lucy.
I signed up for the Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge. I've only read 18 of the 341 books - how many have you read?
I was part of Entangled Publishing's blog tour for A Little Bit Cupid by Jennifer Shirk. I reviewed the book and gave it 4 stars.
I reviewed The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E Smith and gave it 4.5 stars
I posted a discussion about books we loved as kids/teens and how we feel about them as adults
I reviewed The Perfect Hope by Nora Roberts and gave it 4.5 stars

Besides reading, I've been watching a lot of DVDs lately. I'm up to season eight of FRIENDS (we're really zooming through - there have been nights when we've watched five or six episodes), and I'm finally back to watching Supernatural. I also finally got series one of Doctor Who because everyone (one Whovian in particular) keeps telling me I need to watch it and my library actually had it. I've only watched one episode so far but I'm hoping to watch more tonight!
Other than that, I'm very slowly getting through final revisions of WAITING FOR THE STORM. It comes out in just three weeks and I'm starting to panic because it's taking me so long to get through it (the edits aren't the hard part, it's sitting at the computer that's the issue). I'm hoping to get review copies out soon, and I'll also be posting teasers, excerpts, and extras (like the playlist) on my author blog soon!
I hope you're all having a great week! Anything new going on in your life? Plans for the weekend?
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Yay for going to the library tomorrow! That's one of my favorite places to hang out. I really need to check out Doctor Who. I've heard a lot of good things, too, but just haven't got there yet.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with getting through the last revisions of your book. I hope you can manage to get through them without much more stress!
Library!! Have fun. :) I still need to watch Doctor Who, so many of my friends online and IRL talk about it. WFTS!!! Yay! You'll get there, I believe in you. :)
ReplyDeletePlans for the weekend... hmm... MOVING!!! GAH! I think I'm going to lose it, lol. Kidding, I'll be okay. ;)