New Adult but looking for something with a little bite? Here's an event
geared toward the other side of NA. Whether your tastes range toward
shifters or men from other dimensions, there's a New Adult title out
there for you.
Come by for prizes, games, and fun at the Facebook party between 8-10 est on February 13th.
Prizes in Rafflecopter:
Prize Pack:
Signed Copies of:
Flight by Alyssa Rose Ivy
The Devil's Flowers by Lisa Collicutt
Oxford Whisper's by Marion Croslydon
Destiny Gift by Juliana Haygert
River's Recruit by Charlotte Abel
Fate by A.K. Morgan
The Secret World of Alaina Downs by Rebecca Rynecki
The Crimson Hunt by Victoria H.Smith
State of Emergency by Summer Lane
My Alien Romance series by Magan Vernon
Blood Fugue & Witch's Nocturne, Moonsongs Books 1 & 2 (NA paranormal-action novelettes) By E.J. Wesley
Devour by Andrea Heltsley
e-Arc of Oxford Shadows by Marion Croslydon
Other Prizes:
$15.00 Amazon or B&N eCard, Signed postcards from Lynn Rush
Swag pack including Jewlery piece from Charlotte Abel
Even more swag!
Participating Blogs:
For this event I have the pleasure of spotlighting Jennifer Snyder and her upcoming book Catalyst.
Jennifer Snyder lives in North Carolina were she spends most of her time writing young adult fiction, reading, and struggling to stay on top of housework. She is an instant coffee lover with an obsession for spiral bound notebooks and smooth writing pens. Jennifer lives with her husband and two children, who endure listening to songs that spur inspiration on repeat and tolerate her love for all paranormal, teenage-targeted TV shows.
Find Jennifer Online:

Catalyst Excerpt:
*Please note this is an unedited, first glimpse teaser. For an even steamier scene between Kace and Addison, please visit Jennifer's blog!*
mouth slanted across mine, his soft lips tasting sweeter than I’d even
imagined. My hands ran up the length of his torso, feeling the ridged
muscles beneath. Whatever it was that seemed to be unfurling every time
we touched had centered itself in my chest now. It grew and pulsated
with each brush of his lips, each flick of his tongue, against mine.
Something was inside of me… something was awakening.
it wasn’t just me. The same was happening inside of him, too. I’d been
right before. I could sense it somehow. As our kisses deepened, so did
the sensation I was feeling. Whatever it was had long grown warm, heated
by his nearness. It simmered in my chest, powerful and still in
waiting. Kace’s
hand slipped beneath my shirt and pressed against the skin of my lower
back, causing the sensation to spread rapidly through me. The more skin
he touched, the faster it spread. Just as abruptly as Kace had initiated the kiss, he ended it.
pulled back and leaned his forehead against mine. Keeping his eyes
closed, he struggled to catch his breath same as I was. “There…I know
you had to have felt that. Do you have any idea who—what—you are now?”
was that?” I whispered, breathless and afraid to speak too loud,
because it would crush the moment I was still trying to savor.
“Magick,” He answered simply as though it were the most natural response.
I pulled back from Kace
and grimaced. Partly because of his answer and partly because whatever
he had released inside of me during our kiss was now receding once
again. It was tucking itself back into an unknown area, back to where I
couldn’t reach it on my own. This I was sure of.
“Magick?” I repeated, dumbfounded.
wasn’t real. It was something magicians claimed to use to create
illusions and tricks of the eye, but not something I would have inside
of me. No, what I’d felt was lust. Passion. God, Vera was right. I really needed to find myself a rebound guy. I glanced up at Kace, meeting his eyes and basking in their incredible shade of blue.
Unfortunately, my rebound guy wasn’t going to be him. He was crazier than me.
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I love to read YA :) I'm currently reading The Selection by Kiera Cass - I'd LOVE to win this giveaway to get my hands on something by Alyssa Rose Ivy!