Wednesday, December 5, 2012

2013 TBR Pile Reading Challenge

The 2013 TBR Pile Reading Challenge is hosted by Evie @ Bookish, Rachel @ Fiktshun, Justin @ Justin's Book Blog, Tiffany @ Escaping...One Book at a Time, Bonnie @ Words at Home, and Emily @ Doodle's Book Blog

Check it out and sign up HERE.

As some of you may remember, last year I signed up for something like 15 reading challenges. Maybe more. I said at the time that I must have lost my mind, and clearly I was right. Thing is...I didn't do a great job of keeping track of which books were read for what, so other than my GoodReads challenge and a couple of others, I don't really know where I stand with most of the challenges lol. *facepalm*

So...this year I'm only going to sign up for a few challenges, and this is one of them, mostly because I have what feels like 5 million books on my tbr shelf (physical and virtual), and I'd like to make a dent in that in 2013.

It would take me all day to list the books I plan to read, but I'll start off with a few and keep adding:

Just Listen by Sarah Dessen
Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen
In Honor by Jessi Kirby
The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith
Vanish by Sophie Jordan
Hidden by Sophie Jordan
Tempestuous by Lesley Livingston
Starling by Lesley Livingston
This Dark Endeavor by Kenneth Oppell
There You'll Find Me by Jenny B. Jones

I'm going to go with the highest level: 41-50 - Married With Children


  1. 15 challenges? Good Lord! :D I only signed up for 1 but I couldn't finish it either. Boo!

    I'm still not sure whether I should sign up for anything in the New Year or if I should just ... read whatever I want.

    Someone posted a few quite interesting challenges the other day - they're SO tempting!

  2. I signed up for this one for 2012... and I haven't finished it yet. I *may* finish it, but I'm giving priority to my Classics Challenge. I think you're going to do great with it this next year! :D

  3. I signed up, as well. I read SO MANY books this year but none off MY physical TBR, aka the books I bought, was dying to read, then haven't. Bad Molli. So I'm hoping to do better this year; here's my goal post.


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