Sunday, August 19, 2012

Strictly Sequels Read-a-Thon Goals

In Which Ems Reviews Books

This read-a-thon is actually quite timely since my good friend Jessica from Thoughts at One in the Morning just did a great blog post about series, and we got talking about how we suck at carrying on with them once we've read the first book. I've started dozens of series over the last few years, and I want to continue with most of them, but I get sidetracked with other books and sometimes it's a year or two before I get back to the series. I think that's going to be one of my 2013 goals - finish the series I start!

Anyway, this read-a-thon, which is hosted by Ems from In Which Ems Reviews Books, is only three days long, so I'll probably only get one book read (damn my slow reading issues!), but we'll see. Here are some of the books I'm thinking of reading:

Vanish by Sophie Jordan
Once by Anna Carey
The Calling by Kelley Armstrong

I might change my mind closer to the time, depending on if I read any of those in the meantime, but I'll keep this post updated.

Be sure to hop on over to Ems' blog and sign up. If you're participating, let me know so I can cheer you on!


  1. Woot! I need to check this one out later and see if I can do this. It would be perfect!! :D

  2. Thanks for signing up and good luck with your books!

  3. Looks like an interesting list. I'm sure you'll love them. :-)


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