Today I'm very excited to have one of my favourite authors, Alyxandra Harvey, here to share her five favourite Canadian authors with us, plus she has an exciting giveaway for all you Drake Chronicles fans out there!

Top 5 Favourite Canadian Authors
A guest post by Alyxandra Harvey
I love seeing the international covers of my books. I love that the same story has a different image in US, Britain, France, Croatia, Serbia...
And I love that apparently the American readers think I’m American and the British readers think I’m a Brit. I’m actually Canadian. I do have a sprinkle of British and Italian but I’m so French-Canadian on my mother’s side, family legend has it we came over with Champlain. And if you’re not Canadian you might be wondering who that even is. ;)
At the end of the day it really doesn’t matter where the author comes from, as long as they tell a good story. Books transcend nationality and country divides. But at the same time, they can lend a certain unique flavour. It’s a pretty awesome dichotomy.
But there’s this one teenty tiny thing I can’t get used to about being a Canadian writer in an international writing world: it’s favourite, not favorite and grey not gray.
I just had to get that off my chest. ;)
Without further ado, my top 5 favourite Canadian writers: (at least the ones I know are Canadian! )
Charles de Lint
Some of my favourites include A Dreaming Place, Wild Wood and Jack of Kinrowan (I think it was rereleased as Jack the Giant Killer). But I love them all. And the seminal Moonheart is so Canadian, my best friend and I used to wander around Ottawa when visiting, trying to choose our spot for Tamson House.
O. R. Melling
When I first read Hunter’s Moon, I really thought Melling had been eavesdropping on my best friend and I...both here at home and on our trip to Ireland!
Gwendolyn MacEwen
Her poetry is so mythical and beautiful, I carried it around in my school bag for years.
Tanya Huff
She made me laugh out loud, and she made me realize that fantasy fiction can be funny. I refused to read urban fantasy in high school (and yes, I now write it). I can’t even remember why, but holy monkeys, was I adamant. Until Tanya Huff’s Blood Price series helped me break through that prejudice and fall in love with vampires as well.
Lucy Maud Montgomery
What list could be complete without Anne of Green Gables? (Note: it’s firmly within its time period though, there are certain descriptions I’m not loving.)
Who’s on your list?
About Alyx: Alyxandra Harvey lives in a stone Victorian house in Ontario, Canada with a few resident ghosts who are allowed to stay as long as they keep company manners. She loves medieval dresses, used to be able to recite all of The Lady of Shalott by Tennyson, and has been accused, more than once, of being born in the wrong century. She believes this to be mostly true except for the fact that she really likes running water, women’s rights, and ice cream.
Among her favourite books are ‘The Wood Wife’ by Terri Windling, ‘Jane Eyre’ by Charlotte Bronte, and of course, ‘Pride and Prejudice’ by Jane Austen. Elizabeth Bennet is her hero because she’s smart and sassy, and Mr. Darcy is, well, yum.
Aside from the ghosts, she also lives with husband and their dogs. She likes cinnamon lattes, tattoos and books.
Among her favourite books are ‘The Wood Wife’ by Terri Windling, ‘Jane Eyre’ by Charlotte Bronte, and of course, ‘Pride and Prejudice’ by Jane Austen. Elizabeth Bennet is her hero because she’s smart and sassy, and Mr. Darcy is, well, yum.
Aside from the ghosts, she also lives with husband and their dogs. She likes cinnamon lattes, tattoos and books.
The Drake Chronicles:
My Love Lies Bleeding (aka Hearts at Stake), Blood Feud, Out For Blood, Bleeding Hearts, Blood Moon, plus the e-novellas A Killer First Date, Corsets and Crossbows, and A Field Guide to Vampires
My Love Lies Bleeding (aka Hearts at Stake), Blood Feud, Out For Blood, Bleeding Hearts, Blood Moon, plus the e-novellas A Killer First Date, Corsets and Crossbows, and A Field Guide to Vampires
Alyxandra's other novels:
Haunting Violet, Stolen Away
Read my review of Hearts at Stake
Read my review of Blood Feud
Read my review of Stolen Away

Thank you so much for being here today, Alyx, and for sharing your top 5 favourite Canadian authors!
Near the beginning of the month when I did my own list of my favourite Canadian authors, I was so excited when Alyx told me she loved OR Melling's books too, because I honestly don't know anyone else who's read any of her books (with the exception of my beloved Grama, who read My Blue Country after I read it because I loved it so much and thought she should read it...I think I was 14 at the time).
Near the beginning of the month when I did my own list of my favourite Canadian authors, I was so excited when Alyx told me she loved OR Melling's books too, because I honestly don't know anyone else who's read any of her books (with the exception of my beloved Grama, who read My Blue Country after I read it because I loved it so much and thought she should read it...I think I was 14 at the time).
Alyx has very generously donated her three Drake e-novellas as part of Canadian Spotlight Month! One lucky winner will receive ebooks of A Killer First Date, Corsets and Crossbows, and A Field Guide to Vampires.
Giveaway Guidelines:
*Simply fill out the Rafflecopter form below. There’s one free entry where all you have to do is click Enter - the rest are optional and get you extra entries.
*This giveaway will end July 31st at 11:59 PM. Winner will be contacted and will have 48 hours to respond before I pick another winner.
*This giveaway will end July 31st at 11:59 PM. Winner will be contacted and will have 48 hours to respond before I pick another winner.

This post has been part of the Canadian Spotlight Month. Click the graphic below to check out the schedule and all things Canadian here at Ramblings of a Daydreamer.
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