Wednesday, November 9, 2011

2012 Bucket List Reading Challenge

The 2012 Bucket List Reading Challenge is hosted by Jamie at The Eclectic Bookshelf. This is challenge #8 for me for 2012. Yes, I'm slowly losing my mind signing up for all these challenges lol. 

The 2012 "Bucket List" Reading Challenge is the challenge to sign up for if YOU have a list of books that you are dying to read but just haven't gotten to them yet.  The rules are simple for this challenge and I've also included a couple of sample "Bucket" Lists to provide a good starting point.  NOTE:  The link titled "Bucket List" Books is a list that I created and if you would like to add books to that list I encourage you to.


1. Challenge starts on January 1, 2012 and goes until December 31, 2012.

2. You don't need a blog to participate.

3. Create a "sign up" post and link to the linky below.

4. There are 4 levels to this challenge....

      a. The Mini Cooper level - 4 "bucket" list books
      b. The Mid-sized Sedan level - 8 "bucket" list books
      c. The Pick Up level - 12 "bucket" list books
      d. The Semi level - 13 or more "bucket" list books

NOTE:  I am adding a stipulation to this challenge.  If you originally decided to start small with the Mini Cooper level and decide to upgrade that is fine.  But once you decide to go big you can NOT downgrade.

5. Each month a review link will be posted.  Please feel free to link up your reviews where ever you happen to post them...your blog, Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc.

Sample "Bucket" Lists:
"Bucket List" Books

I've had a bucket list of books for ages - mostly classics like Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, The Secret Garden, Alice in Wonderland, and Peter Pan just to name a few. This challenge seems like a good excuse to finally get some of those read! As of right now, I'm only going to commit to the Mini Cooper level - 4 bucket list books - because I have so many others to read, and I've signed up for a ridiculous amount of other challenges. I'm hoping I can read more, but I don't want to go overboard before 2012 even arrives!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting challenge! I've only signed up for one so far (the debut author challenge) but I might have to consider this one!


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