
Monday, January 9, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: Too Many 2016 Releases Not Enough Time

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish 

Top Ten 2016 Releases I Meant to Read But Didn't Get To
(But TOTALLY Plan To)

  There were so many amazing books released in 2016, it was impossible to get to them all! Here are ten I missed, but hope to read soon.

Mind Games by Heather W Petty
London Belongs to Us by Sarra Manning

When We Collided by Emery Lord

A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas

Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman

Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Cordova

Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst

With Malice by Eileen Cook

Strong Signal by Megan Erickson and Santino Hassell

The Secret of a Heart Note by Stacey Lee

What are some 2016 releases you hoped/planned to read but didn't get to? If you did TTT this week, be sure to leave a link to your post so I can visit in return!


  1. A Court of Mist and Fury was on my list this week too!
    My TTT:

  2. I just bought A Court of Mist and Fury yesterday and I can't wait to dive right into it. Great list! I hope you enjoy these!

  3. With Malice was a hidden gem! I hope you get to it!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  4. I'm more behind than just books released in 2016. Sigh! I really want to read With Malice! Must get to it asap!

  5. Ooh great list! :) I might want to start reading some London books to get even more amped up for my trip! ;) and thank you for reminding me about With Malice! I had wanted to read that one!

    Michele | TTT


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